Greetings from Church of Peace
on this Lenten Wednesday!
Tonight we gather for our last
Lenten worship service. Join us at 7:00
p.m. for a time of spiritual instruction and refreshment. The candles of Perseverance and Servanthood
will be lit. A vastly improved sound set
up will help us to learn from and enjoy the sermon by Andy Griffith.
Palm Sunday worship will feature
beautiful enhancements and lovely music (both the children and the Chapel Choir
will sing!). The service will begin at
8:45 a.m.
Tomorrow night’s Bible study will
focus on the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark. It will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Please remember these people when
you pray because they are in need of God’s healing touch: Bill Mitchell, Jim
Mitchell, Tim Puddy, and Janet Willis.
This Sunday we will dedicate our
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. This
money will be faithfully used by Church World Service to aid disaster victims
throughout the next year. The funds also
support long-standing programs like health care for those in dire poverty and
education in sustainable agriculture.
Please prayerfully consider a generous gift to this important offering.
That’s the news from Church of Peace.
We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim
A prayer for today:
Here I
am, Lord, safely in your protecting care and still fretting anyway. I’m sorry.
Please remind me that you are totally trustworthy and that I can depend
on your help and support. Bless all who are sick, especially Bill Mitchell, Jim
Mitchell, Tim Puddy, and Janet Willis.
Shine your light of comfort on all who grieve. Please give me the energy
I need to live faithfully today. Amen.