Church of Peace Thursday Greetings 12-13-12

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Joy to the World!  That’s our theme for worship this week (tonight at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8:45 a.m.).  On Sunday, the Chapel Choir will sing and we will be receiving new members. 

Immediately after worship on Sunday, there will be a brief congregational meeting to review the revisions to our constitution that the Church Council has made. 

A week from today, Thursday, December 20th, a beautiful and soothing service will be held in our candle-lit sanctuary: the Service of Remembrance and Hope.  Join us at 7:00 for a time of Scripture, music, and prayer.  Originally designed for people with a sad heart, the service has been found to bring hope to all of us. There will be a social hour afterwards.

December 23rd is a week from this coming Sunday. On that day, the Sunday School program will be held at 10:15 a.m. after the Advent Sunday of Love worship service. That afternoon at 5:00, we will meet at the church for pizza and caroling trip around town on a bus.  You can sign up for the caroling on the bulletin board in the coatroom, reply to this email, or call the church office (921-8215).  It is a free event.

Which Christmas Eve service are you planning to attend? 

The 4:00 service is designed with children in mind.  Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus will make an appearance.  Inge Adelmeyer and Pastor Jim will provide anthems. We will sing child-friendly Christmas carols.  Holy Communion will be celebrated.  All worshippers are invited to bring a bell to help us ring in the holy-day of Christmas.

The 7:00 and 11:00 services are very similar to one another.  They will feature the sharing of the light of Christ (candles held by all).  Holy Communion will be served.  Special music will be provided at each service by TJ Schultz and Pastor Jim.  The Chapel Choir will sing at 11:00. This year, a highlight of the hour will be stunning pictures that will bring awe to our Christmas worship.

Plan to make your Christmas holy by worshipping with us.

That’s the news from Church of Peace. 

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  How am I doing, God?  Am I growing in hope, peace, joy, and love this Advent as I prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas?  Bless me with perseverance and patience as I seek to become more Christ-like.  Place before me opportunities to help others feel your love.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.