Greetings from Church of Peace 05-30-13

Greetings from Church of Peace!

It is summer and that means it often seems easier to praise God.  Somehow the sunshine lifts our spirits and brings our minds to thoughts of the One who creates and sustains us and provides all the beauty around us.  Join us at 6:30 p.m. tonight and/or at 8:45 on Sunday as we take time to express our gratitude.  Holy Communion will be celebrated at each service.

Marian Wohler is in the hospital in Fond du Lac and George Scott at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.  Please remember them when you pray.

There are several events upcoming in the life of our church family in which you can participate:

            *Friday, June 14th Church of Peace Work Day at Pilgrim Center
            *Tuesday, June 25th Golden Fellowship with Fond du Lac Arborist
            *Sunday, June 30th Diner’s Club at Schmitty’s Oar House

Sign-up sheets are located on the bulletin boards in the coatroom -- or call the church office to sign up (921-8215).

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Shine in my heart today, O God, and fill me with overflowing love.   Shine with healing upon George Scott and Marian Wohler.  Shine with peace upon the warring nations of the world.  Let me shine too.  Amen.