Greetings from Church of Peace!
This Sunday we begin our Witnessing Steward series for the year. Connie Thome will be our speaker, addressing the question of how her faith and our congregation have helped her in her life. In addition to Connie’s testimony, we will have the baptism of little Bensyn Dean and a prayer journey. The Scripture reading is a favorite: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Join us at 8:45 for this meaningful hour of worship.
Bill Whittaker is a patient at St. Agnes Hospital. Please pray that God’s healing light will continue to shine upon him.
On Saturday afternoon, Siera Ramirez and Tyler Williams will be married in our sanctuary. May God grant them joy and peace in their life together.
The bad news is that our food pantry shelves are almost empty. The good news is that the Boy Scouts will be delivering food to us on Saturday morning. Can you come help receive the food? Just stop in at the church between 10:00 and noon to assist with the sorting and shelving of this much-needed food. And thank you, Boy Scouts!
The Ladies of Peace are happily accepting articles for their rummage sale any time that the church office is open. Next week, they will be here setting up and would love your help.
That’s the news from Church of Peace!
We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim
A prayer for today: Warm my heart with your love, O God, so that I have the compassion and joy I need to live faithfully in the manner of Jesus. How I long to bring kindness and peace into this world! I give you thanks for the healing that Bill Whittaker has experienced and pray that he will continue to grow stronger. Bless Siera and Tyler with many years of heaven-sent love. Amen.