Greetings from Church of Peace!
Talk about a “hoppin’” place! This Sunday, Church of Peace will be the happy scene of choir rehearsal (at 7:30 a.m.), meaningful worship (at 8:45, led by our National Youth Event team), Sunday School start-up (at 10:00 in the sanctuary), and a just-for-fun car show in the parking lot (with ice cream!). You’ll want to be a part of this for sure!
Karen Babler has been hospitalized and is home recovering from surgery. Remember her when you pray, please.
Our confirmation program is in full swing. Orientation was last night and the first class will be next Wednesday. Please pray that these young men and women will be led to deep faith and enthusiastic church membership through our confirmation program.
Monday, September 26th is our turn to serve at Loaves and Fishes. We are in need of help, both food gifts and workers. Please sign up on the bulletin board in Gammert Hall.
That’s the news from Church of Peace.
We’ll see you in church. Pastors Jenny and Jim
A prayer for today: Magnificent God of the ages, I pray that you will shine your love through my life so that others may see your reflection in my words and actions. Bless Karen Babler with returning health and strength. Be with our confirmands, their coaches, and the pastors as this school year progresses so that they may all grow in faith and in love for the church. Amen.