Greetings from Church of Peace 01/14/16

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Water into wine is Jesus' first miracle, according to the Gospel of John. We'll be looking at this story together this Sunday in worship. Come join us as we sing, pray, listen, and learn together. Worship begins at 8:45.

We've had two people hospitalized: Carol Moon and John Abitz. Please remember them when you pray.

A week from this coming Sunday, January 24th, the Annual Meeting of the congregation will be held at 10:15 a.m. The Building Committee will have building plans to present and routine annual business will be attended to. It will be an interesting and exciting meeting.

Sunday School will be held at Church of Peace as usual through January. Then the classes will meet in the Boys' and Girls' Club at the YMCA. Parents, watch for a postcard letting you know the details of the move.

That's the news from Church of Peace.

We'll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: With joy I celebrate your presence in our world and in my life, O God. May I always share that joy in my interactions with those around me. Bless Carol Moon and John Abitz with your healing love. These things I pray knowing that you hear my prayers with love. Amen.