Greetings from Church of Peace 05/14/15

Greetings from Church of Peace!

What a special day Sunday is at Church of Peace!  We are confirming three fine young people to full Christian faith and church membership.  Our Sunday School children will sing and our Chapel Choir will sing twice!  Join us at 8:45 a.m. for this joyful time of worship and faith.

At 10:00 on Sunday morning, the whole family is invited to a scavenger hunt!  Thanks to our Sunday School teachers for organizing this event for our kids and their parents.  This will be the last Sunday of church school for the season.

Tomorrow afternoon Norlene Herrenbruck and Richard Haase will be joined in Christian marriage in our sanctuary.  May God bless their life together!

Hilda Feldmann is a patient in the hospital. Please remember her in prayer.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: How I yearn to feel the close presence of your Spirit today, O God.  Please bless me with a keen sense of your nearness.  Give me an open heart to hear your voice. Show me how to live faithfully as a disciple of Jesus. Bless our confirmands that they might experience your love on Sunday as they make their vows.   I pray that Hilda Feldmann will feel your healing power in her life. Amen.