Greetings from Church of Peace 05-16-14

Greetings from Church of Peace on a Friday!

We are excitedly preparing for Sunday’s worship service during which five students will be confirmed.  The Chapel Choir will sing (the Sunday School will not be singing this time).  Thinking of skipping Sunday because of confirmation?  Don’t – there will be plenty of room for you and the service will not be long. You’ll find the time well-spent and inspirational.

Sunday is the last Sunday of Sunday School.  We are so grateful to our teachers for a great year of growth in faith and love.

It is also the last Sunday of our choir season.  We will miss their lovely additions to our worship services. Thank you, choir members and Lee Behnke.  This is Lee’s last Sunday as Chapel Choir Director.  She and retiring organist Helene Schrankler are being honored at on June 15th in the worship service and at the social hour. Plan to be there!

Church of Peace members Jennifer Pittl and Ben Gumieny are being married tomorrow in our sanctuary.  God bless you, Jenny and Ben!

There is still time to sign up for the birding program on Tuesday at 11:00, sponsored by the Golden Fellowship.  Just call the church office or sign-up on Sunday. Lunch will be served.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: I offer you my gratitude, O God, for the blessings of this lovely day.  My heart rejoices when I stop to notice the abundant sources of strength and beauty which you offer to me.  Don’t let me neglect to notice or to appreciate the kindness your provide.  I ask your blessing on our confirmands as they make their vows of discipleship on Sunday.  Amen.