Greetings from Church of Peace 01-23-14

Greetings from Church of Peace,

This Sunday’s sermon is entitled, “Perch? Pike? Pickerel?” so you know it is about fish and fishing.  Come hear about Jesus’ conversation with some New Testament anglers.  The older children of our Sunday School will provide special music.  Little Amaya Antonio will be baptized.  The service will start at 8:45.

Sunday morning, after time for a quick cup of coffee, we will return to the sanctuary following worship for the Annual Meeting of the congregation.  Special presentations this year will include a report on the architectural studies, a proposal for a new piano for the sanctuary, and scholarship presentations. The meeting will be interesting and not too long.

Tonight we’ll meet in Gammert Hall at 6:30 for another installment of The Andy Griffith Sermon Series. We’ll laugh and learn together.

Are you between the ages of 20 and 120?  If so, you qualify to attend the fascinating talk next Tuesday about the archaeology of Fond du Lac County.  Learn about the early native people.  Our Golden Fellowship speaker will be Dwight Weiser. We’ll meet at 11:00 for an hour presentation and then lunch.  Please sign up on Sunday so we have sufficient food for all.

We are holding back the publication of the Messenger until after the Annual Meeting so we can include the information from the meeting.  Look for it on our website and in the entryways by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  O God, I know you are always near to guide me and lead me toward a fulfilling and joy-filled life. Open my mind and my heart so that your Spirit can bring out the best in me.  Help me to do my part in sharing your light. Be especially with those who have to face the cold weather today.  Amen.

Ushers this Sunday: Brenda and Tim Hackbarth, Victor Abitz, Deb and Larry Conger.