Greetings from Church of Peace!
Each one of us is a unique mixture
of delightful qualities and distasteful tendencies. Our Scripture reading on Sunday will give us
guidance on how to nurture the good within us while minimizing the disagreeable
aspects of our personalities. Lindsay
Reiter will provide special music.
Andrew Curl will be baptized.
Join us for an hour of spiritual refreshment. The service will begin at 8:45 a.m.
Can’t come Sunday? We’ll meet tonight at 6:30 in the Youth Room for
NEW worship.
We have two people hospitalized
that we know of at this time: Carla Behnke and Jim Mitchell. Please remember them when you pray.
Tomorrow a group from Church of Peace
heads up to northern Wisconsin
to go rafting for the day. We have a
couple of openings, so if you’d like to go, call the church (921-8215) or email
Pastor Jenny for details.
Sunday evening the Church of Peace Diner’s Club will be lighting up
Schmitty’s Oar House with laughter and conversation. Come join us as we enjoy a
good dinner in the private dining room.
We’ll be ordering off the menu. The
fun begins at 5:30 p.m.
Monday’s softball game is at 7:00
p.m. at Cutler Field. Go, team, go!
That’s the news from Church of Peace.
We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim
A prayer for today: O Ever-Present One who fills my life with
over-flowing blessings, I come to you with a grateful heart today. Thank you for the many ways that you show
your love for me. I long to share that love with the world. Please heal
whatever within me is broken or wounded so that I can be more fully capable of
serving you. I pray that you will help
Carla Behnke and Jim Mitchell to experience your healing power in their lives
as well. Amen.