Greetings from Church of Peace - February 9th, 2012

Greetings from Church of Peace!

The theme for Sunday’s worship service is “Let Your Light Shine,” something we do as Christ’s people with the help of the Holy Spirit. The service will sparkle with highlights: the Sonshine Singers’ anthem, the baptism of Mary Claire Jackson, the giving of roses and carnations in honor of Christian marriage.  Please join us at 8:45.  You’ll leave glowing with inspiration.

Later on Sunday, we are gathering for a “Sweetheart Dinner”.  There is still room for three more couples; call the church office if you would like to join us at the Sunset Supper Club at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday for food and conversation.  Each couple will pay for their own dinner.

We’ll receive Souper Bowl of Caring food for our food pantry through Sunday.  We’re not quite to our goal of 1000 items, so why not bring in a few more canned or boxed foods this Sunday?

Esther Hassman is a patient at St. Agnes Hospital.  Please pray that Esther will recover quickly and completely.

Parents: if your child is helping to distribute flowers on Sunday, please bring him or her to the Sunday School room before worship so they can put on their special outfit.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!    Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: I thank you, dear God, for your loving kindness which has continually undergirded me.  Your breath of life fills me with power and your love is the hope of my living.  Grant me a strong faith that I might be your hands, feet, and voice in the world.  Bless Esther Hassman with your healing power and your gentle comfort.  Amen.