Greetings from Church of Peace - September 22, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace,

It will be here this Sunday: the mass choir made up of our Sunday School children, confirmation youth, and the Chapel Choir!  Join us at 8:45 a.m. for a service which includes their joyful anthem, a baptism (little Gabriella Albrecht), and some incredibly strengthening Bible passages. Come, let your spirit dance in the River of Life!

Tonight at the Mid-Week Faith Boost, we will discuss the chapter on heaven from Rob Bell’s book.  You are welcome to attend even if you haven’t read the book.

Sunday at 10:15 a.m. we will have a congregational meeting to vote on a proposed change in the constitution (Annual Meeting on the fourth Sunday of January), to vote on the Council’s proposal to allocate 75% of the bazaar profits to the General Fund this year, and to discuss the financial shortfall and repairs needed to our building. Please join us for this important meeting. 

The October Messenger will be posted on line ( by Friday noon and available Sunday morning in the narthex and near the elevator.

That’s the news from Church of Peace. 

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: As the leaves begin shedding their chlorophyll to reveal the brilliant colors beneath, I am reminded to pray that you will peel away anything in my heart that keeps me from shining with your light.  As the bright orange pumpkins begin to show up in gardens and on doorsteps, I pray that you will show me how to bring brightness and a spark of life to people around me. As the season changes from summer to autumn, I pray that I will be given courage to face any changes upcoming in my life.  I pray these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen.