Greetings from Church of Peace 02-14-18

Greetings from Church of Peace on Ash Wednesday!

Lent begins today. We will begin this six-week journey into deeper faithfulness with an Ash Wednesday service tonight at 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion will be served at the altar. Confirmands will light the first of the Lenten candles. Join us for this holy time of new beginnings.

Are you ever tempted to do something wrong? We all are. God provides us with the resources to be strong against temptation’s lure. Temptation will be the focus of this Sunday’s worship. Worship will begin at 8:45 a.m.

Family Faith Formation is a time for Christians of all ages to learn, celebrate, worship, and eat together. Join us at 10:00 this Sunday for crafts, games, and worship on the theme of “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” A delicious lunch will follow; we’ll be done about 11:30. This replaces the Sunday School hour. Children are welcome to come without a parent.

The “Feed My Starving Children” program has begun gathering funds for this year’s event. You can talk with Starla Rebedew in the narthex after worship for more information.

A Chili Cook-Off to support our youth mission trippers will be held on Sunday, February 25th from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. There’s still time to sign up to bring a pot of chili. $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for kids will buy you as much chili as you can eat. Seroogy’s candy bars will be for sale for dessert. Please plan to come and enjoy the delicious food and the fun!

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church! Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: O God, as this Lenten season starts, I pray that you will lead me into deeper faithfulness and obedience to the ways of Christ. Heal the broken parts of my life and shine your healing light into my heart so that I will be able to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly. Amen.