Greetings from Church of Peace 01-09-14

Greetings from Church of Peace,

Where did the time go?  Last Sunday, little Jesus was visited by the Wise Men.  This Sunday, he’s 30 years old and being baptized in the River Jordan.  Join us at 8:45 a.m. as we gather to sing, pray, and gain guidance from the Divine. 

Tonight you are invited to a time that includes a sermon by Andy Griffith, singing, praying, and enjoying the company of other Christian people.  We’ll begin at 6:30 in Gammert Hall.

During this cold weather, the homeless folks in our city have been cared for in shelters which are administered by the Solutions Center.  Supplies are running low in the shelters.  On behalf of the Church of Peace congregation, four cases of toilet paper are being delivered today to them.  The money for this came from our food pantry fund.  How heart-warming for us that we are able to share Christ’s love in this way.

We know of two people who are hospitalized: Juli Beilke and Barb Demaskie.  Please remember them in your prayers.  Please also pray for the family of Herman Rucks; Herman died this past weekend.

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!   Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today: Keep me mindful, O Heavenly Friend, that whatever is going on in my life, you are in the midst of it.  As I face challenges and celebrate victories, remind me that you will walk with me through any difficulties and that your hand is behind every blessing. Show me how to touch others with your love.  I pray that your healing light will shine upon Juli Beilke and Barb Demaskie and that the family of Herman Rucks will feel your solace.  Amen.  

Ushers this week: Iris Abitz, Mary Lange, Steve O'Krueg , Isabel Post, Stephanie Sharpe.