Greetings from Church of Peace - April 13, 2011

Greetings from Church of Peace!

Tonight is the last of our Lenten services for the year. The theme tonight is Christian parenting.  Join us (7:00 p.m.) as we see what the Bible has to say about this very important subject, light the Lenten candles, and enjoy the Family Circus’ heart-warming antics.  If you’d like to come a little early and help the Church of Peace team clean up after serving Loaves and Fishes, they’d be delighted to have your assistance.

Sunday is Palm Sunday.  We cannot wait for you to see the enhancements that our worship team has prepared for this distinctive day in the church year.  It will be festive and beautiful. The Chancel Choir will sing.  Every worshipper will be able to take home a palm.

This Saturday morning, our church building will be a hub of activity.  In addition to the Worship Enhancement Team transforming the sanctuary for Palm Sunday, the Shawl Ministers will be meeting along side a group of crafters who are preparing items for the fall bazaar.  All of these groups are friendly; if you think God might want you to use your talents in one of these ways, please come.  We’ll start at 8:30 a.m.

PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN AND CONFIRMANDS : we are counting on your children to sing at the second service on Easter (8:45 a.m.) with the Chapel Choir.   All the kids will rehearse with the choir this Sunday (Palm Sunday) at the beginning of the regular Sunday School hour, so please bring your child to the sanctuary right away at 10:00.  What a meaningful way for our little ones to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!  Thank you for your cooperation.

In the church lobby, you can sign up for:

            Co-ed Summer Church-League Softball (Mondays/over age 16)
            April Day Trip for Adult Fellowship
            May Tour of Chicago Architecture
            Women’s Retreat
            Mother-Daughter Banquet

That’s the news from Church of Peace.

We’ll see you in church!  Pastors Jenny and Jim

A prayer for today:  On this warm spring day, it is easy to sense your renewing power, O God.  Please touch my life with your healing, invigorating love.  Open my eyes to see the opportunities for Christ-like service which you put before me today. May every word I say and everything I chose to do be a step toward peace.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.